Frequently Asked Questions

Submit a video to MeeTV, moderators will review your video and you’ll receive a decision via your email. After that you can upload as much as you want!

MeeTV offers creators a platform that only delivers quality, provides complete creative freedom, and fosters a supportive community. You'll have full control over your content and opportunities to monetise it effectively. You’re the boss of you!

Anyone passionate about creating quality content is welcome to join!

Viewing is free! 

For creators, we take a 5% fee from Tips. 20% from Deals.

Deals is an entirely new feature for industry or even super-fans. Should a creator choose to enable Deals, viewers will have the option to spend £100 to send a message directly to the creator with a response guaranteed within 7 days

Absolutely! We believe in creative freedom, so you're free to share your content wherever you wish. In fact our vision is for MeeTV to spotlight creators and drive new viewers to their existing platforms.

You should get in touch here: We’re a small team so we greatly appreciate any and all feedback.